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Synopsis: When a woman discovers the origins of her rescue horse, she moves to Oklahoma to reunite him with the man who raised him. Twenty years after being stolen, trafficked across the American West, and nearly killed, Arrow is saved by a woman determined to find out who he is. When she learns he’s a rare Choctaw Mustang she knows she must reunite him with the man who raised him and who still safeguards this special breed. This is the story of their reunion.
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Director's Statement
I’ve always loved horses and their stories. As a kid, Black Beauty inspired me as a story of resilience and friendship in spite of cruelty and indifference. When my friend, Gabi, decided she had to rescue this abused horse from the rental stable where she was riding him, I knew it would be a heart-breaking/heart-filling story. After years of tracing Arrow’s mysterious origins, she told me she’d found the man who’d bred him and lost him. She wanted to reunite them, even if it meant losing Arrow. I knew I had to be there with cameras.
It was a hugely challenging shoot as I was on my own wrangling two cameras and sound equipment in 40 degree weather that sometimes cramped my cold hands around the cameras. But it was hugely worth it to see this horse who’d been stolen, trafficked and thrown away, finally be surrounded by people who love him and believe in him. For me, Gabi’s story is inspiring for any kid who always wanted a pony. Most of us understand that deep connection to an animal. Few of us are called to take that relationship this far.
I wanted the viewer to understand what Arrow faced, what his breed faces, and how ordinary people can help. I hope this film inspires more people to open their hearts and connect with animals who need us.
Director's Bio

A graduate of UCLA’s screenwriting program, Heidi has written numerous features, treatments, and TV pilots for various independent producers. She’s judged for the Slamdance Film Festival screenwriting contest and co-founded the Slamdance Script Clinic. She and her husband founded PageCraft Writing in 2008 offering script coaching and writing retreats in LA and Italy. Her clients include Emmy winners, TV legends, and brand new writers too. Heidi has written, directed, and produced numerous commercials, music videos, and electronic press kits for various artists. She’s currently making a documentary film about British artist Paul Whitehead.