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Synopsis: Jules Domine and Tyler Bradt, obsessed and addicted to whitewater adventure, make a plan to journey the long way, from the source of Rio Caqueta, to find a unreal big water canyon deep in the Colombian Amazon. This is the type of adventure that makes you wish you were NOT there. It’ll make you wonder, “where am I?”.  The hairs on your arms will stand up as if you’re in a lightning storm.   Jaw dropped to the floor and you can’t close your mouth.  Wetter than water, dirt in the ears, taking the jungle home with you and no way to shake it off. THAT KIND OF ADVENTURE!


Sports, Kayaking, Adventure





Run Time

25 minutes


Tyler Bradt
Jules Domine

Directed by

Tyler Lee

Produced by

Barry Barr

Country of Origin

United States

Production Year


Aspect Ratio


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