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Synopsis: Kodokushi, also known as “lonely death” is a phenomenon in which people suffer extreme loneliness and are found dead without being discovered for long periods of time. Yamasaki, a nobody disconnect and forgotten by society, Isolating himself inside out, not willing to accept any helps, Sinks deeper into the void as the reality blur with his imagination and eventually is devoured by the madness he built himself.
Run Time
Moe Bertran (Landlord/Homeless)
Laura Calle (Neighbor)
Eriq Ortiz (Police Office 1)
Jack Ho (Police Officer 2)
Directed by
Written by
Produced by
Mengting Hong
Executive Producer
Production Designer
Director's Statement
For those who have been neglected and forgotten by society, are their ends pronounced by their physical deaths, or by the social treatment of non-existence?
Director's Bio
Dylan Huang known for his shorts film : Sinking, is a New York base Director/Writer/DP an individual who has worked for Disney on project such as Chang Can Dunk and other indie filmmaker on project such as Loss, Bastards and Child Marriage. He is also the Co- Founder of Paradox Films NYC, Inc.