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Synopsis: Three amateur climbers and a filmmaker leave the safety of their everyday lives and travel to a remote corner of Malawi to attempt the biggest climb of their lives, the 1700m west face of Chambe Peak. Tensions run high as the team are pushed to their limits battling the scorching African sun, forest fires, and scarcely believable rumours about vampires living in the area.


Adventure, Climbing





Run Time

50 minutes


Terry Walsh
Ezan Vercueil
Jeremy Heath
Garth KIngwill
Kingsley Mmambo

Directed by

Garth Garth Kingwill

Produced by

Terry Walsh

Director's Bio

After completing his studies, Garth spent 10 years teaching in several different countries, including Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the UAE. During this time he traveled extensively, developing a keen interest in stories of human endeavor. Drawn back to his native South Africa in 2011, he attended the Wildlife Film Academy, before cutting his teeth as a wildlife cameraman following a family of meerkats around the Kalahari for three months the following year. Garth has since gone on to film in several African countries including Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, and Kenya. He made his directorial debut with a half hour documentary about the Cape Town Carnival in 2015, which garnered him two SAFTAS (South African Film and Television Awards) for cinematography and editing, as well as a nomination for best director in the category for documentary shorts. He followed this up with a second film about the Carnival in 2016, which again resulted in SAFTA nominations for directing, cinematography and editing. Apart from working on Mulanje over the past 2 years, he has also been working as a co-director on his first documentary feature, Edge of Existence, about human wildlife conflict in Tanzania.

Country of Origin

South Africa

Production Year


Aspect Ratio



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