Sonny Garguilo Horsemanship My Food Is Not Yours
28:35 min / Directed by: Sonny Garguilo
Create the horse you want! I know as a professional horseman it seems easy for me to say that but when I do, I am not speaking about a level of skill you need, but more so a mind set for you and your horse.
Just think about it, the simplest encounter like placing the halter on your horse should always become a teaching experience. Even for the most experienced horse. I know I want my horse to stay quiet, to drop her head, to allow the halter to be placed on quietly. All these things are important to creating the horse I really want. If I was to just walk over and throw the halter on, eventually the horse might start to resist. Not knowing exactly what I expect from her. When I am constantly clear, the horse then has the knowledge of what is expected, and I create the horse I want.
Another example is leading. I can always tell which horses in my clinics are going to act up in the beginning. Although it just seems like you are walking your horse from point A to point B, it’s really something that should not be taken lightly. Leading in most cases is your first encounter of your time with your horse. When I set out to get my horse, my mind set is very simple. The moment I decide to work with her, I change into teacher mode. Not when I get there, but when the thought comes to me. Now In my mind I make a plan for the session. What will we work on today? That doesn’t mean that can’t change, but I certainly have a starting point.