Dimensions – A Line, A Loop, A Tangle of Threads
Synopsis: ‘It’s dark in here. Pitch black. Silent. This is where it all began and where it all ends. Perhaps, though, it isn’t as simple as that. We see our lives, the moments from our birth to our death, as a straight line – never bending, never curving. Those are old ideas though and now it is time for you to discard them and imagine more. It’s time to open your eyes to the possibility that time isn’t a simple ruler, ticking off the moments between the beginning and the end. Time is a line, a loop, a tangle of threads, a sculpture of dazzling complexity.’
Stephen is a brilliant young scientist who lives in England, in what appears to be the 1930s – but nothing in Stephen’s life is quite as it seems. A tragic event leads Stephen to become obsessed with finding a way to revisit his past. Love, jealously, desire and greed surround him, clouding his judgement and sending him spiraling towards madness.
Dimensions: A Line, A Loop, A Tangle of Threads stars Henry Lloyd-Hughes (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Inbetweeners, Anna Karenina), Camilla Rutherford (Gosford Park, Rome) and Patrick Godfrey (Les Misérables, Remains of the Day, The Duchess, A Room with a View).
Run Time
Camilla Rutherford (Jane)
Patrick Godfrey (The Professor)
Olivia Llewellyn (Annie)
Sean Hart (Conrad)
Edward Halsted (Robert)
Richard Heffer (Dr. Schmidt)
Georgina Rich (Alice)
James Greene (Old Man)
Sam Harrison (Young Stephen)
Hannah Carson (Victoria)
George Thomas (Young Conrad)
Siân Mayhall-Purvis (Barmaid)
Shaun Lucas (Boss)
Directed by
Written by
Produced by
Sloane U'Ren
Edited by
Production Designer
Prod. Company
Director's Statement
Sloane U’Ren
After many years in the film and television industry, both in the U.K. and the U.S., it’s long been an ambition of mine to direct. Of course, everyone wants to direct, so I had two options…wait for an
opportunity to land on the door mat (not likely!) or make it happen.
Ant and I spent a long time discussing the implications of selling our home and putting well over a year of our l ives into the film. We soon came to the realization that we could either go on talking
about it or we could take a leap of faith – so leap we did.
I’ve always been a fan of science fiction, but didn’t want to make a purely ‘concept’ based film- I was much more interested in telling a story about people who happen to be in a world that we term
‘sci-fi’. Of course, what is sci-fi today becomes reality tomorrow, and it is that quest for knowledge and the price you must pay that is at the heart of the film. I like to say that Dimensions isn’t about
time travel per se, it is about the desire to time travel. What fascinated me about Ant’s script were the relationships between the characters and what they were going through.
For me personally, the best films are those in which you care about the characters and my goal with Dimensions was to get the audience to invest emotionally. Thanks to an absolutely amazing cast
and crew, I think we got there!
Ant Neely
Almost twenty years ago, I sat next to my mother’s bed on one of her last days and asked, what I was soon to realize, a stupid question.
“You’ve accomplished so much in your life. What more could you want to have done?”
She duly reeled off a long list of places she wished she had seen, things she wished she had experienced, and people she would like to have met. I promised myself, there and then, that if I ever got a few minutes to reflect before my last breath, I would make sure my list was as short as possible.
Years have flown by and, yes, I have done a lot of the things I wanted to – but certainly not enough to warrant a short list. As I approach the age at which my mother died, I wonder if that is the impetus
for this adventure. My wife Sloane and I have often talked of making our own film. Over the years, we have been fortunate enough to enjoy working on so many other people’s movies, but still, over late night glasses of red wine, the conversation turned to ‘our’ films. Finally, we decided it was time to take the plunge.
Making a film is an expensive undertaking and our only real option was to sell our home to help fund it. It all seems a little nuts until you remember – life is short. Thanks to the enormous support of our family and friends, our colleagues and a few other investors, we are on the way.
Director's Bio

Sloan U’Ren
Director/Producer / Production Designer
British-American Sloane U’Ren’s film career started at age four as a child actress in Los Angeles. As she reached her teens, she realized that she was more interested in the visual side of filmmaking then appearing on camera. Sloane decided to study Art History at the University of California, Berkeley before resuming her career in film Art Departments. Upon graduation, she worked for Disney, the Jim Henson Company (The Muppet Show creators), and has at one time or another worked at every major film studio in the U.S. and U.K.
Sloane has worked as an Art Director and Set Designer on projects including Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Being John Malkovich, Batman Begins, The Good Shepherd, Ali and Six Feet Under, to mention but a few.
Ant Neely
Screenwriter/ Producer/ Composer
Ant Neely is an all-around creative with his primary focuses being writing and music composition. He currently has two television pilot scripts being ‘shopped’ in Los Angeles and has written the feature film scripts for Sculptures of Dazzling Complexity’s slate of three films, plus the novel upon which the first script is based.
Ant’s music can be heard on shows such as Six Feet Under, Boston Legal and Samantha Who, and he recently composed orchestral scores for three seasons of the popular Dutch television show Sprookjesboom. He has also composed for feature films and commercials.
Ant has been called “a creative and progressively thinking artist” by Keyboard Magazine in the U.S. and likes to carry that ethos throughout all of his artistic endeavors.
Fargo Film Festival - USA - 2013
Best Cinematography (Simon Dennis)
London Independent Film Festival - UK - 2012
Best Film UK Feature (Sloane U'Ren (Director), Neely, Antony (Writer/Producer))
Long Island International Film Expo - USA - 2012
Best Director (Sloane U'Ren (Director))
Long Island International Film Expo - USA - 2012
Best Feature Film (Antony Neely (Writer/Producer), Sloane U'Ren (Director/Producer), Sculptures of Dazzling Complexity (Production Company))
Boston Science Fiction Film Festival - USA - 2012
Best Film (Dimensions)
Crystal Palace International Film Festival - UK - 2012
Best Film (Dimensions)
Costa Del Sol Internacional de Cine Fantastico - Spain - 2012
Best Film (Dimensions)
Long Island International Film Expo - USA - 2012
Best Foreign Film
Long Island International Film Expo - USA - 2012
Festival Prize Best Story
Long Island International Film Expo - USA - 2012
Festival Prize Best First Film
"One of this year's festival highlights is a period brainteaser with an intriguing time-travel twist" - THE GUARDIAN
"Merchant-Ivory meets time travel in this remarkable blend of period drama and sci-fi." - BFI
"Stylish new period sci-fi drama" - THE TELEGRAPH
"Downton Abbey on Acid" - Lance Ulanoff, MASHABLE
"This is a science fiction film like no other you will ever see...the very sensitive handling of a complex premise makes this undoubtedly one of the best films I have seen this year." "Five out of Five" - NEW EMPRESS MAGAZINE
"As an exhibitor and programmer for nearly four decades, there are films that come along which surprise you. DIMENSIONS is one of those films. On the surface, it seems one thing, but as the film unspools you realize it is something else. The audiences at our festival we're skeptical about a period piece science fiction film, but when the final credits hit the screen, they gave the film a standing ovation. It exceeded expectations in the most pleasant of ways. DIMENSIONS is an intelligent, well crafted film suitable for an intelligent, cinema minded audience." - Garen Daly, NPR Commentator
"A film made in Cambridge has proved the biggest hit of the city’s film festival – outselling major releases such as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy..." - CAMBRIDGE EVENING NEWS