Be My Oswald
The doors are closed. There are no more screenings of this film.
Synopsis: Be my Oswald looks at the struggle between the power of myth over reality with a micro
cultural environment of two individuals who’s bonding loyalty and trust clash when confronted with the truth.
That struggle, much like our shocking childhood discovery about the truth of Santa, is a very rude awakening.
Run Time
Katha Cato (B)
Del Pentecost (Ugo)
Directed by
Patrick Direnna
Written by
Produced by
Director's Statement
To assassinate Santa Claus is a ridiculous notion because, of course, he doesn’t exist. Yet, it is also a treacherous notion because Santa is a sacred American myth, deeply rooted in our hearts and a fundamental element of our social consciousness and economic system. Our cultural environment is saturated with Santa’s mutated image and that image is never a greater visible symbol of power (or a better target) than his grand holiday entrance down Broadway the heart of New York City in the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Director's Bio
Don Cato is known for Be My Oswald (2006), Dead Man Rides Subway (2018) and Dixie Lanes (1988). He not only directs films, but is the Artistic Director of Queens World Film Festival.