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Synopsis: Film Festival Flix will show you:

Five key elements to look for when considering the virtual solution that is right for your festival.
Five essential elements of successful marketing campaigns to increase sponsorships and grow your audience.

Have you considered the alternative of holding a virtual festival, yet concerned it is too complicated or won’t be profitable? Keep your (virtual) doors open and continue to cultivate and nurture creativity, idealism, and the art of storytelling.

Filmmakers need you now more than ever and so do your audiences. They will support you if you ask. Sponsors have nowhere else to go to reach your audience so think of it as an opportunity, with challenges.


Laurie Kirby (Entertainment Lawyer, Festival Director, Founder - Fest Forums)
Benjamin Oberman (Founder, President and CEO - Film Festival Flix)
Jordana Oberman (Vice President of Festival Operations - Film Festival Flix)

Production Year

December 10, 2020

Official Website






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