Le Chéile
Synopsis: Le Chéile is a short film about how individuals living in a town, help shape that area, people & society around them. The film features Lahinch Local surfer Ollie O Flaherty & a host of his friends that live in Lahinch. Filmed on location in Lahinch, County Clare Ireland. The music for this film was recorded live in Kennys, the local pub by The O’Connell brothers who are good friends of Ollie. The name of the song is ‘Liscannor Bay’. Liscannor Bay is the Bay that Lahinch is located in & contains some of the counties best reef breaks. Le Chéile is the Irish word for together.
Run Time
Directed by
Director's Statement
In this film I wanted to try capture the feeling & vibe of what it is like to grow up in a small surf town community on the west coast of Ireland, and show the challenges & benefits of such a upbringing.
Director's Bio
Kev L Smith is an award winning cinematographer based the west of Ireland. A specialist in aerial and water-based photography he draws on a lifetime spent surfing, hiking and lifeguarding along Ireland’s Atlantic coast. When he’s not shooting, you’ll find Kevin in the lineup at his local surf breaks in West Clare.