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Synopsis: Step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. Twenty two year old Loic has become a passionate climber after having received his first pair of climbing shoes at age six. Together with Florian, Pablo and Pierre, they form the inseparable “Flolopapys”, bringing their energy and good vibes to the farthest reaches of the climbing world. Although each is unique, they compliment and support each other like a band of brothers. You’ll fall under the spell of their humor, friendship and fragility. But can Loic use the Flolopapys energy to overcome his haunting fear of heights as he confronts some of the toughest climbs on the planet? Loic and the Flolopapys invite you to embark on a very human adventure. 


Adventure, Climbing, Montaineering, Sport




French, English

Run Time

46 minutes


LoIc Debry
Pablo Recourt
Florian Gourque
Pierre Mertens

Directed by

Dominique Snyers

Edited by

Blaise Jadou

Director's Statement

Wide-open spaces and enthusiastic people have always fascinated me. The faces of the Flolopapys in action simply glow. This film gives them the floor. The questions they ask are universal, and the emotions with which they experience them are truly touching. There is so much to learn when you step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears.

Director's Bio

A former university professor and founder of various digital start-ups, Dominique also founded the association Cap Expé, a community of adventurers formed to encourage them to live out their boldest dreams and especially to strike out independently. He has been supporting a number of young people in their discovery of all kinds of wide-open spaces, both horizontal and vertical. More recently, he began directing films about such adventures in yet another extension of his passion for sharing. His first two films, The Nahanni Whisperer and Altaitude, have received several awards and have been screened at numerous international adventure film festivals. More info on thanahanniwhisperer.com and altaitude.com

Country of Origin


Production Year


Aspect Ratio




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