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Synopsis: “Mount Lawrence” is a documentary film focusing on Chandler Wild, a young man on a journey to spiritually reconnect with his adventure seeking and outdoor loving father who committed suicide in 2007.

Feeling a growing distance to his father, Chandler embarks on a 6,700 mile bicycle journey to the end of the road in Alaska. Once there, his plan is to scale an unnamed mountain and name it after his father Lawrence. Chandler’s burning desire to leave something in remembrance of the life his father lived, and make peace with the way he died, drives him forward over the course of six months of physical and challenging travel across the heart of the North American continent.

A personal film exploring what one can find not just at the destination, but on the journey as well.







Run Time

98 minutes


Chandler Wild

Directed by

Chandler Wild

Prod. Company

All The Way Around LLC - www.atwaproductions.com

Sponsor brands

Director's Statement

Mount Lawrence was an attempt first and foremost to try and heal myself and my grief. From there, it grew into the need to document the journey, both physically and emotionally. I wanted the film to feel both intimate and accessible, since the themes we touch on are something that effect so many people.

Director's Bio

Chandler Wild (Director/Subject) Originally from Texas, Chandler has been working extensively in New York theater and film since 2006. He holds a degree from The City University of New York in Theatrical and Cinematic Management and Production. His short doc “Changeover”, which he conceived and produced, followed the last night of 35mm projection at a rural drive-in movie theater and played at over a dozen festivals nationwide including the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and the Austin Film Festival. “Mount Lawrence”, which marks his feature directing debut, is a feature about his epic 6,708 mile bicycle ride to name a mountain after his father. It has won numerous Best Documentary awards at festivals across the country. Wanting to take the helm in creating quality stories, Chandler teamed up with Scott DelaCruz in late 2012. They began All The Way Around to bring stories to life they believed in.


Twister Alley Film Festival - United States - 2015

Best Documentary Feature (Film)


Soho International Film Festival - United States - 2015

Best Documentary

Official selection

Timecode: NOLA Film Festival - United States - 2015


Wild’s “Mount Lawrence” — is perhaps the most compelling independent documentary in quite some time and definitely the most visually spectacular. - Matt Ward, Fredericksburg Standard

Country of Origin

United States, Canada

Production Year


Aspect Ratio

1.77:1 (16:9)

Sound Mix

Stereo LT/RT


Canon Mark III 5D





Official Website




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