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Synopsis: In this unforgettable assault on reality–restored and presented uncut theatrically for the first time ever in the U.S.–legendary Hollywood director/actor John Huston (The Maltese Falcon; Treasure Of The Sierra Madre) stars as an intergalactic warrior who joins a cosmic Christ figure in battle against a demonic 8-year-old girl, and her pet hawk, while the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Multi-dimensional warfare, pre-adolescent profanity and brutal avian attacks combine to transport the viewer to a state unlike anything they’ve experienced… somewhere between Hell, the darkest reaches of outer space, and Atlanta, GA . The Visitor fearlessly fuses elements of The Omen, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, The Birds, Rosemary’s Baby, The Fury and even Star Wars creating the most ambitious of all ’70s psychedelic mindwarps . Its baffling all-star cast includes Shelley Winters (Night Of The Hunter), Glenn Ford (Superman), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Franco Nero (Django) and Sam Peckinpah (director of The Wild Bunch).


Horror / SciFi





Run Time

108 minutes


Mel Ferrer (Dr. Walker)
Glenn Ford (Det. Jake Durham)
Lance Henriksen (Raymond Armstead)
John Huston (Jerzy Colsowicz)
Joanne Nail (Barbara Collins)
Sam Peckinpah (Dr. Sam Collins)
Shelley Winters (Jane Phillips)
Paige Conner (Katy Collins)

Directed by

Michael J. Paradise

Produced by

Ovidio Assonitis

Edited by

Roberto Curi


Franco Micalizzi


Ennio Guarnieri

Prod. Company

Brouwersgracht Investments


It's weirdly compelling. - Bill Goodykoontz , Arizona Republic

[It wows] cult fans, connoisseurs of the absurd, and cinephiles intrigued by the evolution of the sci-fi and horror genres in the '70s and '80s. - Peter Keough , Boston Globe

Perhaps the most fun you can have in a movie theater without risking permanent brain damage. - David Ehrlich , Film.com

The great surprise is how, consistency be damned, these individual sequences fascinate. - Alan Scherstuhl , Village Voice

Country of Origin

USA / Italy

Production Year


Aspect Ratio

1.85 : 1

Sound Mix



35 mm

Official Website

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