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SHORT FILMS 2 (8 films) 2023 NovemberNov 04 2023 12:00am - NovemberNov 06 2023 11:59pm

1. Gene's 6th Symphony / Jordi Garcia / USA / Animation / 6 minutes
"Based on a true story, as universal as love."

2. Where It Begins / Mohsen Asdaghpour and Amirhossein Talebi / Iran / Foreign Language / 24 minutes
"Upon the delivery of the lucky buttons, Ebraam‘s life is bewitched. With the company of his cat, Homeira, Ebraam is now an agent of justice."

3. Fatih the Conqueror / Onur Yagiz / France / Comedy / 15 minutes
"He's ready for marriage, she is not."

4. Street Photographer / Zoum Dominguez Blanco / Venezuela / Foreign Language / 20 minutes
"Documents the photographic journey of Juancho Dominguez."

5. Ilda / Jafar Mahyari / Iran / Experimental / 10 minutes
"Forced marriage leaves Ilda desperate and stuck between two deep paths."

6. Scream Under the Ocean / Majid Mirhashemi / Iran / Experimental / 4 minutes
"The tables are turned in this fish story."

7. Night Ride from LA / Martin Gerigk / Germany / Experimental / 5 minutes
" based on a real car ride, a love letter to the energy and vibe of the Californian way of life."

8. Wheel and Desert / Reza Sabetpour / Iran / Drama / 11 minutes
"On his way back to help get water, his boss tells him “Someone was shot last night and is still on the run.” The game changes…"

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