Mike James will host a members only press conference to talk about his last few games.
John Wall hosts a members only press conference to discuss the upcoming NBA Finals.
Kevin Durant – Members Only Press Conference
Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant met with the media after a Game 3 win versus the Cleveland Cavaliers at Quicken Loans Arena. Game 4 of the NBA Finals 2017
Amplify your film using proven marketing strategies. Attendance is FREE with a Subscription to the Lady Filmmakers Channel. Non-Subscribers may purchase a ticket for $10. Terra Potts - Senior Vice President of Marketing - Warner Bros. Pictures   Potts most recently served as Senior Vice President, Marketing for Warner Bros. Pictures, where she transformed multicultural marketing and publicity into a top studio priority. Potts helps develop and execute feature film marketing campaigns focused on inclusivity, social impact and innovative, synergistic strategies. During her 11-year tenure with the studio, Potts has been involved with virtually every film that’s been released during that time, including the successful campaigns for such high-profile titles as the Academy Award-nominated Judas and the Black Messiah, Space Jam: A New Legacy and Crazy Rich Asians, as well as the upcoming King Richard, starring Will Smith. Patricia DiSalvo Viayra - Co-Founder and Festival Director - Lady Filmmakers Festival   Patricia has been entertaining people her whole life. Her first short film, "Naked Sushi" screened at the Cannes Short Film Corner, Italy, Australia, US and has nationwide distribution with the largest college campus tv network. In addition to additional short films, she is the Co-Writer, Director and Producer of the feature film, "Tournament", and is the Festival Director and Co-Founder of Lady Filmmakers Film Festival currently in its 9th year. Jordana Oberman - Vice President of Festival Operations - Film Festival Flix   Jordana comes to Film Festival Flix from her tenured Concierge Service in New York City hotels. Managing and optimizing the specialized customer service needs of her NYC patrons lead Jordana to a true leadership role in personalized care. As an accomplished actor and director for film and stage, and a respected acting coach, Jordana understands how [...]
On July 3, 1971 the New York Times published what is now known as the Pentagon Papers, which prompted a series of events that ultimately resulted in the resignation of Richard Nixon and changed the landscape on American journalism due to a landmark decision on freedom of the press. This informative panel will examine the long-term impact of the publishing of the Pentagon Papers on free speech, whistleblowing, investigative journalism and American society overall.
Panel discussion with the documentary filmmakers. In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, a leading Vietnam War strategist in the Pentagon, concluded that America's role in the war was based on decades of lies. He copied and leaked 7,000 pages of top-secret documents to The New York Times and then to The Washington Post. The daring and conscientious activities of whistleblowers and journalists during these times lead to Watergate, President Nixon's resignation and the end of the Vietnam War, and a Supreme Court ruling expanding press freedom.
Keynote presentation from Dr. Ellsberg, a former Defense Department aide, the co-author and the primary whistleblower in disclosure of the Pentagon Papers, a classified history of the policy decisions that led to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. These papers were reported publicly on July 1, 1971, first by the New York Times. The federal government indicted Ellsberg on June 28 for theft of government property and violation of the espionage act but the indictments were later dismissed because of government lawbreaking in trying to collect information on the defendant.
The Closing Plenary provides an opportunity for summit hosts and stakeholders to celebrate National Whistleblower Appreciation Day and present the coveted Pillar Awards. The Pillar Award presentation is an annual ceremony celebrating notable First Amendment, Civil Rights and Human Rights champions. The closing plenary will be followed by a keynote presentation from Daniel Ellsberg.
Discourse analysis of media war violence on empirical reality - what happens when scientists and academics question mainstream media? The panel discusses tactics, violence, labels, and professional harm of American professionals who oppose dominant government reality narratives. Whether in journals, movies, books, or documentaries, each deconstructs a piece of the risks and attacks on the mystique of contrarian analysis and social critique. Join this panel of several brilliant American thinkers discussing current conspiracy theory memes.
The goal for this workshop is analogous to that for the OSC panel – grounding in realistic expectations, tactics for best obtaining support, and success stories that illustrate the potential. It also will include an introduction to the impressive body of work to help whistleblowers most effectively navigate Congress from the House Office of Whistleblower Ombuds during its first year. Finally, it will review the most significant of 36 campaigns by the Make It Safe Coalition this Congress for stronger free speech laws, including – 1) the Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act to finish the work left undone in the 2012 Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act. This Congress is our campaign for the final teeth that finally make the WPA a credible free speech shield. 2) Covid 19 WPA – to provide more teeth for all contractor whistleblowers, such as protection against civil and criminal liability. 3) Law enforcement whistleblower protections to enforce new controls on police abuses; 4) Overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection; 5) Restoration and upgrade of corporate whistleblower rights in the Dodd Frank Act; and 6) makeover of Intelligence Community whistleblower rights. Panelists will come from staff who are the front lines of working relationships with whistleblowers. Invited panelists will come from a pool that includes staff from the House and Senate Whistleblower Caucuses, the House Whistleblower Ombuds, and from the minority and majority staffs of the congressional committees that oversee the WPA -- Senate Homeland Security Committee and House Committee on Oversight and Reform.
The goal for this workshop is to help whistleblowers learn the realistic expectations when seeking help from the OSC and how most effectively to obtain it. By better understanding, the OSC’s procedures, limitations and the full range of ways it can help, whistleblowers can reduce frustration and increase the support they receive. The panel also will highlight the OSC’s dedicated unit for COVID 19 whistleblowers.
The USDA has long used the term "socially disadvantaged" farmer and "historically underserved" farmer. Many call USDA "the peoples' department," but we refer to it more accurately as "the last plantation." While on the surface, the class action suits Pigford I and II would suggest that things have changed and that farmers prevailed, we believe that nothing has changed. Under Secretary Tom Vilsack, who served two terms under President Obama, there is substantial evidence that institutional racism, sexism, and other abusive behavior discrimination went unchanged. Some will tell you that their Civil Rights administration is the best ever at the USDA. Unfortunately, facts differ from that false narrative. A current example of civil rights offenses is the USDA Forest Service, western division, in which harassment and sexual perpetrations continue (see podcast below). This workshop, then, provides a current update as the dysfunctional behavior within the Office of Civil Rights and how farmers and employees continue to be harmed.
This panel discussion will be about the music industry's first missteps about the Disco era. It also reveals how Atlanta became the most relevant market for launching new Artist, new songs, and quality entertainment.
This panel will discuss the failure of the dialysis system. Dialysis is a required medical procedure for individuals with a kidney that is not functioning properly. Dialysis removes waste products and excess fluid from the blood. The process involves diverting blood to a machine to be cleansed. In essence, every human being needs water to survive. Dialysis is a kidney patient drink of water. We will allow our panelists to enlighten you to the shortcomings they have experienced during their dialysis process. Dialysis Advocates and Associates, INC. will discuss advocating for all patients to receive equitable healthcare. Dialysis Advocates and Associates have observed the shortcoming in regulations allows a defect in treatment. The trickle-down effect does work after all.
Dana Gold, Senior Counsel at Government Accountability Project, will discuss how immigration whistleblowers have been some of the most effective vehicles to defend and protect the most vulnerable--asylum seekers and immigrants in detention settings. She joins three of the most significant whistleblowers who spoke up about the harms to immigrants in detention: Dawn Wooten, a nurse whose brave disclosures about medical misconduct at Irwin County Detention Center, went viral, including the failure to protect detainees and staff from COVID-19, and women detainees undergoing unnecessary, non-consensual gynecological procedures; and Drs. Scott Allen and Pamela McPherson, medical and mental health experts in detention health for the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, both recognized as heroes for disclosing systematic failures witnessed during their inspections of family detention centers that increase the foreseeable risk of harm to migrant children and families in detention.
Chaired by Anna Myers, this panel will present new and emerging developments in international whistleblower rights. Panelists will cover: the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive and its transposition; the ISO 37002 whistleblowing standard for whistleblowing management systems for organizations; IGOs including the UN, the UNCAC, and the C20's Anti-corruption Working Group; and developments in national whistleblower laws including Serbia, Ukraine, Canada, Iceland, and others.
This event is a whistleblower summit tradition. Famous and not so famous authors from the MISC community discuss their books on whistleblowing and public interest advocacy.

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