Beyond Sixty Project
Synopsis: The original voice of Siri, the Madam CJ Walker biographer and the sculptor of Lady Gaga’s Fame perfume carriage are among the inspirational stories revealed in this compelling documentary. From a very early age women are made to believe that our relevance has an expiration date. Showing us the power of resilience, defiance and the wisdom of experience the Beyond Sixty Project will challenge the way we think about aging and the value of our own stories.
Cultural, Diversity, Documentary, Drama, Women In Film, Age
Run Time
77 min minutes
Karen Atta
Susan Bennett
Peggy Ann Bradnick Jackson
A'Lelia Bundles
Sara Lavner
Greta Paulsen
Gloria Tolla
Celeste Walker
Patricia Weber
Paula Yankauskas
The Sun City Poms
Susan Bennett
Peggy Ann Bradnick Jackson
A'Lelia Bundles
Sara Lavner
Greta Paulsen
Gloria Tolla
Celeste Walker
Patricia Weber
Paula Yankauskas
The Sun City Poms
Directed by
Melissa Davey
Country of Origin
Official Website