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Synopsis: A coming-of-age tale focusing on Erin, a young tomboy in the fifth grade. The softball field, playground, gymnasium and math class are the battle grounds in which we see Erin struggle with her desire to excel while managing her growing crush on Jesse, a boy in her class.







Run Time

13 minutes

Directed by

Maryll Botula

Written by

Maryll Botula

Prod. Company

Suite 437 - maryllbotula.com

Director's Statement

We succeeded in our vision to have a women led team from writing, direction, producing, cinematography and more.

Buttball is a reflection on our meaningful, life-altering female moments—ones we don’t necessarily identify as defining our path forward but that somehow shaped us and formed us as women. Erin’s path is left unknown because feminism is hard and complicated and is a constant, enduring fight. 

Director's Bio

Pittsburgh born and raised, Maryll has applied her steel town grit and spirit to her work in TV/Film and stages and day jobs regionally for years.
Stalled- writer, producer, lead: (HIFF, Broad Humor) , Match- associate producer: (Bermuda International Film Festival, Great Lakes Film, Katra- Sidebar, Manhattan Film. Buttball won Outstanding Narrative Short- Art of Brooklyn Film Festival 2020 and has been an official selection of: SOHO International, LA Femme, Lady Filmmakers, SOMA, STIFF, Oregon Short Film Festival and New Filmmakers NY. This script has been recognized by the following festival and script competitions: (Second Place- Oregon International Film Awards 2017, Finalist- Filmmatic Screenplay Awards 2017, Finalist- Artists Alliance Short Screenplay Contest 2017, Quarterfinalist- 21st annual Fade In Awards, Second Rounder- Austin Film Festival 2017, Quarterfinalist- Cinequest’s 2017 Short Screenplay Contest, Quarterfinalist Short Screenplay Contest- Atlanta Film Festival 2018). 

Maryll’s plays and the occasional spectacle have been produced regionally in Chicago, Pittsburgh and State College


Art of Brooklyn - 2020

Outstanding Narrative Short (Maryll Botula)


Oregon Short Film Festival - 2021

Best Director- Finalist

Official selection

Lady Filmmakers - 2020

La Femme Film Festival - 2020

SOHO International Film Festival - 2020

SOMA - 2020

Blackbird - 2021

Country of Origin

United States

Production Year


Official Website

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