Synopsis: Taylor, a young therapist with a troubled past begins seeing things nobody else can after the
disappearance of her young daughter. She struggles with her sanity as she must grapple with whether
she is afflicted with the same mental illness as her mother—or
whether there are more mysterious forces at hand. Seen is a deep story of family, being afraid to love, loss and second chances.
Run Time
Director's Statement
The theme of Seen and its underlying message of love transcending time, space and all odds, is what lies at the heart of this new script. While the story follows Taylor’s painful journey of loss, its message of the awesome power of love, is essentially a love letter to my own children, loved ones and readers.
Director's Bio
Isabel del Rosal is a Cuban-American writer, director and editor who after making two short films, took some time off to raise and school her children. Isabel runs her own business creating video content for entrepreneurs, small and large businesses alike. She wrote and directed two seasons of the comedic web series “Smile for the Camera”. “Walk With Me” (writer/director/editor) is her debut feature film and labor of love. Isabel is gearing up to direct her next feature script, Seen, a story about being afraid to love, loss and second chances.