6 films that.....well, you've been warned. (Trigger Warning)
The Wick
by Sabine Crossen (UK)
The Protector of a Witch, is Just as Bad as a Witch.
The Feeder of Mir
by Isaac Suero (USA)
Four foster siblings kill their foster mother and then are forced to fight to the death.
My Mother Went to the Cows
by Maria José Ibarra Valdez (Mexico)
Elias's mom is gone. He's only a child, but he will seek her until the last consequences.
What's in the Woods?
by Michel Dominguez Beddome (USA)
Three friends find an ashen little boy all alone outside their cabin... or so they think.
Family History
by Mark J. Parke (USA)
A young man brings his new boyfriend home to meet his reclusive, conservative father.
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