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SHORT FILMS 3 (7 films) NovemberNov 11 2022 12:00am - NovemberNov 14 2022 11:59pm

1. Pick / Shaho Ahmadi / Iran / Foreign Language / 4 min.
"Apricot thieves with small hands."
2. The Last Photo / Mehmet Akif Guler / Turkey / Social Justice / 20 min.
"Abdullah Milhim goes to photograph a just bombed region in Syria, sees an aged man inside the ruins and takes his photo. At the very moment, a bomb is dropped near them. After that day, Abdullah starts looking for his last photo, a new arm, and his future."
3. Cold Start / Richard Townsley / USA / Debut / 15 min.
"A teen wants to drive his father's abandoned car but he is emotionally paralyzed by the fatal car crash that his father encountered while on the racing track."
4. 1st Memory / Chip Hackler / USA / Drama / 5 min.
"Memory's a funny thing. An aimless lad makes a choice that changes his past, and future."
5. Check the Locks / Eric Larson / USA / Debut / 15 min.
"Following a nervous breakdown, a woman retreats to a friend's cabin in the woods -- only to discover that her coping mechanisms are mysteriously turning against her."
6. Middle Eastern Stories: Father / Reza Daghagh / Iran / Foreign Language / 18 min.
"A father intends to take his infant child away from his war-stricken country. He attempts by hiding in a container to flee and cross the border."
7. Silence Again / Mohamad Kamal Alavi / Iran / Drama / 13 min.
"A young woman lives on a hill far from the city. Alone and in silence, she farms and takes her produce to the city. In her loneliness she turns to "friendship" with a scarecrow. "

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