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Synopsis: “Carry Your Hand” tells a personal story of professional show jumping rider Susan Artes. Through early tragedy, determination, and passion for her sport, Susie has become a recognized name on the show jumping circuit. “Carry Your Hand”brings a message of love, loss, and the beauty of horses!


Horse Showing





Run Time

14 minutes


Susan Artes (Feature Subject)

Directed by

Sean Brown

Director's Statement

“Carry Your Hand” came out of my friend and producer Jessica Anne Bogart’s simple question to me, “Do you want to make a film about a horse trainer”? Considering I know nothing about horses, or show jumping at all I said “Yes, absolutely”! Fast forward and here we are with the documentary short “Carry Your Hand”. To filmmakers out there, “Say Yes to stuff you know nothing about”.

Director's Bio

Truth is stranger than fiction, and more compelling. Ever since watching “American Pimp” in 2000, Sean knew he wanted to be a documentary filmmaker. Then one summer, he went deep into Baja’s wilderness for 12 straight days in search of a story. He came within two feet of a rattlesnake bite. He showered once, and he put together a wonderful little vignette of the whole experience. Worth it! And… he had officially caught the filmmaking bug which led to his next project, “Carry Your Hand”.

Country of Origin


Production Year


Official Website

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