Goodnight Ladies
Synopsis: Goodnight Ladies is a 37 minute documentary film about the world’s most famous Master of Fox Hounds. The legendary Nancy Penn Smith Hannum hunted the Chester County, Pennsylvania countryside for half a century. Directed by her granddaughter, Christianna, Goodnight Ladies won the Eastman Kodak award for cinematography and best short film in Paolo Alto, CA. This is an adventure film and an epic story of a woman whose passion for her sport was unbridled.
“Goodnight Ladies” Screenings Include:
National Sporting Museum, Middleburg, VA
EQUUS Film Festival, NYC
The Colonial Theatre PA
EQUUS Film Tour, Camden SC
QUUS Film Tour, Timonium MD
Uptown Knauer Performing Arts, PA
Chester County Historical Society, PA
The Franklin Library, Charlottesville VA
Radnor Hunt Club PA
and over 3,000 DVDs sold
Run Time
Directed by
Produced by
Official selection
EQUUS Film Festival - USA
The Colonial Theatre
Phoenixville, PA
October 19, 2016
United States
Middleburg Sporting Museum
Middleburg, VA
September 17, 2016
United States
Best Film Historical Subject EQUUS Film Festival 2017