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Synopsis: There are approximately 1,700 wild horses left in Alberta. And yet these are the only wild horses in Canada without any form of protections from government sanctioned culling. For decades these horses had been culled and removed from the landscape by being auctioned or sent to slaughter. We ask why this is necessary, especially when independent scientists dispute every single claim made by government and local ranchers about these wild horses. This is my first film in partnership with Zoocheck. They had approached me with the McCrory report which dispels every single myth that’s been touted by government and cattle ranching lobbying that these horses somehow cause damage to the range land. Unbeknownst to locals, these horses have existed peacefully in this ecosystem not just in recent centuries; but there is evidence that they actually evolved here in North America. Unlike cattle.
I’m very proud to have been able to work with and meet some of the amazing wild horse advocates on this journey. People like Max Foran, who’s written an extensive introspective into the way that Canadians treat wildlife as a lower priority to ourselves.


Wild Horses





Run Time

16 minutes

Directed by

Inder Nirwan

Country of Origin


Production Year


Official Website

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