Ghost Story
The doors are closed. There are no more screenings of this film.
Synopsis: Every year the BLM rounds up thousands of wild horses and removes them from the ranges where they were living. Horses are separated from their herds / bands, mothers, families etc.. They are traumatized by the helicopters and forced to run for miles and then loaded up on a transport and taken to a holding facility. In the Onaqui mountains of Utah, there was an well-known and one of the most photographed wild Mustangs by the name of Ghost. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and was rounded up. We wanted to tell Ghosts story, so people would understand the plight of the American Mustang. In addition, people may feel better about these horses and their potential future as they move and transition into the domestic world. Here’s his story and I hope it gives you some relief as to what the future for these horses may be.
In our program, there’s nothing we won’t do to help these horses find their joy again.