Synopsis: A young mare visits Cyprus to take part in races. Frustrated from failure, she abandons the racetrack after confronting her strict father. The mare will meet new friends who will try to help her find her lost courage.
Run Time
Marinos Hadjivasiliou (Agrinoui)
Filippos Sofianos (Father)
Christos Grigoriadis (Phoenix)
Sofoklis Kaskaounias (Gaouris)
Zoe Kyprianou (Dina)
Thanasis Drakopoulos (Glaros)
Giorgos Roussos (Misiaroui)
Giorgos Roussos (Race announcer)
Directed by
Executive Producer
Prod. Company
Director's Statement
The incredibly talented people that contributed to this production made this film a joy to create.
This film aims to be appealing to a wide range of ages. So, no violence, no sex, no explosions! These apparent restrictions enabled the story to focus on the building of relationships between friends and the psychological challenge the protagonist is faced with.
Certain philosophical matters that subtly deal with questions such as racism and the path to success will be easier to be picked up by the more mature members of the audience.
In this film we also get to know Cyprus by seeing traditions in front of significant landmarks and by hearing Cypriot characters communicate in their native language.
Director's Bio
Alexis Chaviaras, born in Antwerp in 1978, taught animation at Universities in Cyprus between 2009 and 2015 and is a doctoral candidate at Middlesex University London researching the field of scenic design for 3D computer animated films. Alexis produced and directed the animated short “Struthio” in 2011.