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Synopsis: Mia, a lonely and unusual person joins a women’s Breakfast Club for the first time.
She doesn’t hesitate to tell lies in front of new people to enhance herself, as she loves the attention, so she tries her best to fit into the club this way.
Even though the members of the club are understanding with her, her rough and odd personality clashes with the group.





Run Time

18 minutes


Meg Hodgson (Mia)
Kathryn Haywood (Hanna)
Bettine Solf (Linda)
Diana Doci (Alicia)
Cindy Evans (Jen)
Priscilla Fagbemi (Jo)

Directed by

Sumin Kim

Produced by

Ziqi Wang

Executive Producer

Ricardo Sanchez Sanchez

Production Designer

Rosie Jones



Director's Statement

As a Korean, I have seen lots of false information and distorted images of feminism in my culture. The people who have an ill feeling toward feminism don’t even try to understand it’s true meaning. I want to show how anti-feminists look in today’s society, with a weird female character as a protagonist, in a funny but uncomfortable way.

As a feminist film, I wanted to count with a higher percentage of women during production, as well as a cast and crew from a diverse range of nationalities. Resulting in a team with over 70% of women (including Director/Writer, Producer, Director of Photography and Main Cast) and 15 different nationalities: South Korea, Spain, UK, China, Chile, Greece, Egypt, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Indonesia, Romania, Argentina and Hong Kong.

Director's Bio

Born and raised in South Korea.
Graduated university in Tokyo, Japan, studied ‘Ukiyoe’.
Currently living in Madrid, Spain.
Started making movies after Covid lockdown in 2020.
This is her 4th film.

Production Year


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