Hozho In Beauty We Walk
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Synopsis: Hózhó, in beauty we walk ” is a first part of documentary of 30 minutes which plunges us into the mysterious world of the centaurs Amerindians: «the dineh of Arizona (People in Navajo).
“Hózhó, from the everyday life philosophy of live and coming from the principle ” Saah Naagháí Bik’eh Hózhó of the Navajo healing Traditions.It specifies that the conditions for health and well-being are harmony and balance within and connection to the physical, spiritual world. (Navajos) Dineh considers the planet as a feeder mother, made up of spiritual families: the human beings, the animals and the divinities of the nature.human have to feel neither superior to their fellow men, nor outer their environment, because all the elements,Human beings and animal, mineral and plant, livened up or not, are every relatives and ALL endowed with a consciousness.
Hozho walk in the beauty until the old age, it is the ultimate purpose of navajos Indians or more exactly the dineh people .they consider the planet as a feeder mother made up of spiritual families: human beings, animals, elements and divinities of the nature quite endowed with a consciousness and a breath and all connect together in harmony Horses at the same time teachers and link with the sacred have a central place in this philosophy of life.We can go away of hozho by its way of life or think, but we can especially return there.All elements of the life on dineh territory have a link with the way to get or the fact to go back towards hozho , and live a good life of beauty , balance and health .
” That your steps walk in the beauty ” say Navajos.
The beauty is around us, in our actions, our words, in our relation to the world, and our relation with horses.
Run Time
Directed by
Nathalie Dubuc
Director's Statement
The beauty is around us, in our actions, our words, in our relation to the world, and our relation with horses.