Mils Life
Synopsis: ‘Mil’s Life’ is the story of 25 year old urban cowboy and native Philadelphian, Jamil ‘ Mil ‘ Pratis, and the symbiotic relationship formed between a man, his horse and, their urban experience.
Run Time
Directed by
Director's Statement
The film will explore one man’s passion for racing while uncovering the true nature of the environment that has defined his character and determination. The film will document how essential the relationship is that’s formed between a man and his horse, within the confines of their urban surroundings. Emphasizing the singularity between a horse and its rider; we’ll follow Mil and Dusty as they prepare for what’s to be their final race in South Carolina.
Mil’s Life is an examination of the intimate relationship between aspiring jockey, Jamil Pratis, and his one-eyed horse, Dusty.
EQUUS Film Festival - USA - 2014
Official selection
EQUUS Film Festival - USA - 2014