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Synopsis: “Push,” is a story of self-discovery, found in the simple joys of skateboarding. Written and directed by Jasmine Quinones, the film explores ideas of identity and quickly becomes an anthem for the inner strength that can be found in finding a community.





Run Time

6 minutes


Olivia Levaughn (Young Jasmine)

Directed by

Jasmine Quiñones

Written by

Varina Shaughnessy

Produced by

Jackie Merry

Edited by

Jasmine Quiñones


Jasmine Quiñones
Ian Oliver

Director's Bio

Jasmine Quiñones is an Austin, Texas-based filmmaker and director. Originally from Boston, MA she moved to Austin in 2019 to continue her work as a freelance filmmaker, starting her own production company and working to make a name for herself in a new city. Despite having no formal education in filmmaking, her creative drive and passion for piecing together stories through video has led her to work on numerous projects— DPing and directing for clients such as REI, New Balance, Ferrari, and Fujifilm. Her latest short film “Push” is her introduction to longer narrative-driven content. The story explores the friction between self and identity through the lens of one of her favorite sports: skateboarding. As a queer Puerto Rican woman, she hopes to continue bringing underrepresented stories about identity and mental health to light through commercial work and short films, while leaning on some of her favorite subjects – sports, fitness, and lifestyle. When she’s not behind the camera, Jasmine hosts a podcast called “For Creativity’s Sake” and enjoys writing music and singing—and playing with her new puppy.

Production Year


Official Website



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