Running Wild: The Life of Dayton O Hyde
Synopsis: “Running Wild: The Life of Dayton O. Hyde” is a cinematic adventure that examines the vibrant life of a cowboy, conservationist and award-winning writer, who through extreme perseverance is preserving part of America: 500 wild mustangs now run free on the 12,000-acre Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. From cattle drives, rodeos and conservation battles, to wild horse rescues, personal heartbreak, and new-found love, this is the self-told tale of a colorful 6’5″ cowboy, sharing both the old West and America’s growing awareness of the importance of protecting our natural resources. “Running Wild” is an inspirational testament for anyone who needs motivation on their own personal journey — and reassurance that each of us can truly make a difference if we try.
Run Time
Directed by
Official selection
Equus Film Festival - USA