This is the story of Swedbank and the world’s largest money laundering scandal. Produced by the award winning team of investigative journalists at Swedish Television, Dirty Banking exposed how one of Europes most prestigious banks - Swedbank - has been used for systematic money laundering for nearly a decade.
Billions of euros flowed through the bank to Russian oligarchs, Ukraine president Yanukovych and Donald Trumps campaign manager Manafort.
The bank is now investigated for channeling around 150 billion euros through its affiliates in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The stock fell over 25 percent following the scandal and last year the CEO and Director of the board was forced to resign.
Dirty banking have won numerous prizes including the prestigious DIG Awards in Italy for best long format investigation 2020.
2020 it was also nominated for an international EMMY®
Winning motivation DIG Awards 2020:
"Even when countries prize themselves of being amongst the most transparent, journalists should never put their guard down. This film is one of the few remaining examples of what a public broadcaster can do when it is given the freedom to inves.gate one of the countries’ biggest banks involved with Russian and Ukranian money laundering."
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