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Synopsis: In the world of Thoroughbred horse racing, not all retired racehorses get a second chance after the track. Albie, a 10-year-old off-the-track Thoroughbred had a rough life at the track and was in mental anguish when he finds a new life with a middle-aged woman, Lori. Lori suffers from a rare medical condition called Chiari Malformation that causes her unceasing physical pain. Together, they heal each other’s emotional, mental, and physical ailments to create an unbreakable bond and a new life.


Horse Racing





Run Time

10 minutes

Directed by

Kara Colvin

Director's Statement

What happens to racehorses once their racing careers have ended?
Back on Track is a feature-length documentary about the Thoroughbred horse racing industry, off-the-track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs), and the organizations and individuals that rescue, retire, adopt, retrain, and help retire race horses into second careers.
This is their story.

Official selection

Equus Film Festival - USA - 2015

Country of Origin


Production Year


Official Website




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